Item 198 of 357

Scratch stickers Text balloon - 6 stickers - Fun for Surprises or presents

SKU: 52192
€ 1,79 (including VAT)

Scratch stickers are ideal for an original and effective advertising campaign, but also fun for your own use! With a scratch sticker attention is quickly attracted. The scratch stickers from Allemaal Stickers Enzo (also known as scratch-off stickers) are made on a transparent vinyl that features a scratch-off layer. This top layer can be easily scratched off with your fingernail or a coin, after which the lower layer becomes visible. Then the text underneath the sticker becomes visible. The scratch sticker is the perfect solution for advertising with action or discount codes, scratch-off tickets, birth announcements, rewards, Santa's surprises, (homemade) gift vouchers, and more!

How does it work?

  1. Step 1 Write your secret message, or code, or something else.
  2. Step 2 Stick the scratch sticker over your message
  3. Step 3 Scratch away the scratch layer and you will see the message


6 stickers per sheet, size per sticker 6.3 x 2.5 cm

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